CGMUSA can be contacted to provide training at no cost in the following areas: spiritual growth and development; christian training, conferences and seminars; radio broadcast ministry; pastoral training; evangelism; divine healing; and individual discipleship and spiritual renewal. Although the primary method of training is through on-line media (Zoom), in-person training may also be available, subject to availability to travel. Some training materials are made available without cost through this website. In addition, CGMUSA sponsors evangelistic work in several communities located in the eastern region of India.
Through this program CGMUSA partners with churches to provide temporary, emergency aid to widows, orphans, and other disadvantaged persons. Examples of needs met under this program include illness, death, job loss, accidents, and similar events outside of the control of the afflicted individual(s). Aid is in the form of food, clothing, funds for the cost of medical treatment, bereavement expenses, transportation, and similar necessities. This program is international in scope.
CGMUSA sees its mission as broadly encompassing all of the New Testament's admonitions for delivering the gospel to every nation on the earth, while engaged in compassionate service to needy, underserved people. Consequently, it manages its affairs with flexibility and willingness to adapt to new opportunities for delivering the good news of Jesus Christ. Specifically, it is CGMUSA's goal to share with the world Jesus's willingness and ability to reconcile all lost humanity to become children of a living God, our Father in heaven. The same flexibility is present to respond in the compassion of Christ to new needs as conditions at home in the U.S. and abroad continue to evolve. While CGMUSA already has many programs that afford opportunities for potential donors to give to a cause they endorse, if our programs do not directly address a specific cause that a donor wishes to fund, you may contact CGMUSA to find out if that cause is one which CGMUSA can endorse and support.
Drought and associated crop failures lead to famine in various parts of the world. When these circumstances occur in Uganda, CGMUSA partnered with local churches to provide funds that allowed these churches to purchase and distribute free food to drought victims. CGMUSA is also n informal partner with humanitarian aid organizations and local churches that provide medical supplies, shoes, and operating funds for the evacuation and care of those who have been made homeless by the ongoing war in Ukraine. CGMUSA's representative in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, receives funds that CGMUSA collects and subsequently re-delivers these funds to where needs exist. For example, in the fall of 2022, its representative delivered CGMUSA funds to a manufacturer of windows to pay for the production and installation of hospital windows to replace those that were damaged by Russian military attacks in the City of Irpin. Under this program, CGMUSA also helped pay for the construction of school buildings and water wells in Western Uganda. In 2022, CGMUSA entered into a partnership with a South African-based organization providing community development funding and gospel outreach to an impoverished area within Zimbabwe.
One of CGMUSA's longest-running programs is its international educational assistance program. Under this program, CGMUSA provided funds for the construction and equipping of school classrooms and the construction of dormitories. Through student sponsorships, CGMUSA has provided funds for orphans and other under-privileged students in Uganda, from elementary through university grade levels. Sponsorships have also been provided for Ugandan students enrolled in technical schools. CGMUSA recently entered into partnership with Transformed Communities International (TCI) a partnership which has seen TCI take the lead, in Uganda, in supporting the construction and equipping of school buildings. CGMUSA still maintains an active student sponsorship program to combine with with gospel outreach programs in Uganda.
Co-Founder and President
Frank Robb and his wife, Sue, are regular visitors to Uganda. They play a key role in obtaining support for Alpha and Omega Secondary School (KAOSS), located in Kiburara, Uganda. Under his leadership, funds have been raised to build and equip classrooms, add an additional dormitory to KAOSS, and to train teachers. Frank and "Mama Sue" are greatly esteemed by those whom CGMUSA serves in Uganda. For over a decade they have supported Pastor Moses Nkwatsibwe, the founder of over 34 churches in Western Uganda and the founder of faith-based student outreach programs in six schools of higher education located in Kampala, Uganda's capital. In addition to serving as CGMUSA's President, Frank is also a Director of Transformed Communities International, Inc. (TCI). TCI provides training in Uganda in sustainable community development, provides drought/famine relief, and promotes education. Frank is a professor of microbiology at the University of Maryland, a researcher in that field, and a frequent international lecturer on various subjects within that field.
Russell was appointed to CGMUSA's Board of Directors in 2020. He earned his BA in Middle East Studies/ Homeland Security from Virginia Commonwealth University. Russell is also a graduate of Dominion Bible Institute, a seminary program offered by John G. Lakes Ministries. He is a military veteran, was a first responder in the City of Richmond, and also served for five years as a missionary to Israel. He currently teaches classical education, leads Kingdom Harvest Ministries, and is an assistant pastor at United Church RVA in Richmond, Virginia. His wife, Laurie, is a mother, teacher, author, Christian filmmaker, and evangelist. Together they homeschool their children and train the Body of Christ. Russell is ordained to the ministry by the Association of Faith Churches and Ministers, International.
Co-Founder, Secretary-Treasurer
Ken Glick is an attorney by training and is responsible for CGMUSA's legal and regulatory compliance. He also serves as CGMUSA's Secretary and Treasurer. He began part-time missionary work with his first trip to Uganda in 2014 and has visited Uganda eight additional times. Ken and his wife, Olesya, (a Ukrainian national) are heavily involved in providing humanitarian relief in Ukraine, beginning shortly after the Russian invasion of that country in February 2022. Olesya is program head for CGMUSA's Ukrainian relief program. She is a university graduate in her native country, with a degree in mechanical and electrical engineering. Ken is overseeing the gathering and delivery of support to several pastors located in India. Ken and Olesya are an evangelistic couple; both of them are certified by John G. Lakes Ministries as receiving and practicing its training in divine healing. Ken is ordained by CGMUSA as a minister of the gospel; his wife Olesya is concluding her final semester of seminary training at Dominion Bible Institute, operated by John G. Lakes Ministries.
Board Members
Jamal (Known as Yophi) and Tywanda Smith are the Pastor and lead prophetic ministry, respectively, of Avodah Ministries, a Christian training ministry located in Virginia. The two traveled to Uganda in 2021 and served together as missionaries alongside Pastor Moses Nkwatsibwe and his wife, Sarah. They returned to serve again with Pastor Moses in 2022, teaching a workshop on "Kingdom Marriages." Jamal and Tywanda intend to continue their fellowship with Pastor Moses and Covenant Global Ministries - Uganda. Jamal and Tywanda train disciples of Jesus in their Biblically-described Kingdom Identity, reaching out to multiple areas in the United States when doing so. They are available to serve outside of the U.S. as well, which led them to Pastor Moses. Their vision is to show others through the Word of God marriage, family, and life, in the manner that God designed them to be experienced.
If you wish to contact CGMUSA, please use the contact form here. Include your preferred method of contact and the hours that are most convenient for you to be contacted. The subject matter of your inquiry should also be included. THANK YOU.
2018 Annual Newsletter
This is a year-end newsletter provided by CGMUSA to its donors. The newsletter describes the programs that CGMUSA operated during that year, along with the assistance received by individuals and organizations under those programs.
2019 Annual Newsletter
This is a year-end newsletter provided by CGMUSA to its donors. The newsletter describes the programs that CGMUSA operated during that year, along with the assistance received by individuals and organizations under those programs.
2019 Trip Report: Uganda
This is a report prepared by one of CGMUSA's Board Members that summarizes his service in support of multiple churches in Uganda, and their members, under the direction of Pastor Moses Nkwatsibwe. The report describes multiple instances of divine healing, through prayer.
2021 Annual Newsletter.
This is a year-end newsletter provided by CGMUSA to its donors. The newsletter describes the programs that CGMUSA operated during that year, along with the assistance received by individuals and organizations under those programs. It includes a greeting and short message from Pastor Moses Nkwatsibwe, overseer of multiple churches in Southwestern Uganda, a church in Kampala, the capitol city of Uganda, and six university bible studies also in Kampala.
Trip report - Jun-August, 2022: Ukraine
In the summer of 2022, one of CGMUSA's board members and his wife visited Ukraine. The visit was to distribute humanitarian aid and funds to multiple humanitarian aid organizations and churches, for the relief of needs among Ukraine's civilian population. In addition, our Board Member preached at four churches and both he and his wife spent days visiting two hospitals in Uzhgorod, Ukraine, to speak with wounded soldiers and pray for their healing. The report describes multiple instance in which recipients of prayer were relieved of their pain and several instances of healing, including the recovery of hearing. Over 30 people became new believers in Jesus as a result of this ministry.
Interview with Pastor Oksana Yakubchik, Kyiv, Ukraine This is a link to an interview held in Kyiv, Ukraine, with Oksana Yakubchik. Oksana is a church pastor, military chaplain, and co-founder of the International Christian Humanitarian Center, located in Kyiv. In this interview she describes the bi-weekly convoys sent by the Center to the combat and near combat areas of Eastern Ukraine. The convoys bring food, water, medicine, and the gospel to civilians trapped in these areas. In some instances, they are called upon to evacuate civilians on their return trips. Oksana describes several instances where divine intervention saved their team and those they were evacuating from death or serious injury.
Zimbabwe Outreach Summer of 2022
This is a report prepared by Todd Martin describing the trip he took ,as part of a large team, to Zimbabwe in the Summer of 2022. Over 15 tons of food was distributed to multiple schools in the Gwayi River area of Zimbabwe. The report includes numerous photos.
Illustrated Progress Reports from Milton Babu, India
Over the period March 2023-July 2, 2023, Milton Babu, provided CGMUSA with a series of progress reports describing the gospel outreach and Christian education efforts in Eastern India, being funded by CGMUSA. The big news is that the number of pastors engaged in full time work has doubled, from two to four, over this period. This resulted in Vacation Bible Schools being started in multiple communities, including a leper colony. Through these works hundreds of children have heard the good news of Jesus for the first time. Their interest in Jesus has gained the attention of a number of parents. As a result, pastors have been invited into their homes to share the gospel, resulting in many conversions and new Christians.
The violent persecution of Christians in several Indian states has recently lessened with changes in local governments. 10 indigenous pastors are reading to begin full-time traveling evangelism if support can be raised to sustain their families in their absence.