GMUSA views itself as a steward of the funds entrusted for its use and holds itself accountable to its donors for the integrity with which it manages its programs. Through these newsletters, CGMUSA demonstrates that it has faithfully discharged this stewardship. Additional testimonies, updates, and trip reports will be posted here from time-to-time to keep its followers up to date on CGMUSA's latest activities.

2018 Annual Newsletter

This is a year-end newsletter provided by CGMUSA to its donors. The newsletter describes the programs that CGMUSA operated during that year, along with the assistance received by individuals and organizations under those programs.

2019 Annual Newsletter

This is a year-end newsletter provided by CGMUSA to its donors. The newsletter describes the programs that CGMUSA operated during that year, along with the assistance received by individuals and organizations under those programs.

2019 Trip Report: Uganda

This is a report prepared by one of CGMUSA's Board Members that summarizes his service in support of multiple churches in Uganda, and their members, under the direction of Pastor Moses Nkwatsibwe. The report describes multiple instances of divine healing, through prayer.

2021 Annual Newsletter.

This is a year-end newsletter provided by CGMUSA to its donors. The newsletter describes the programs that CGMUSA operated during that year, along with the assistance received by individuals and organizations under those programs. It includes a greeting and short message from Pastor Moses Nkwatsibwe, overseer of multiple churches in Southwestern Uganda, a church in Kampala, the capitol city of Uganda, and six university bible studies also in Kampala.

Trip report - Jun-August, 2022: Ukraine

In the summer of 2022, one of CGMUSA's board members and his wife visited Ukraine. The visit was to distribute humanitarian aid and funds to multiple humanitarian aid organizations and churches, for the relief of needs among Ukraine's civilian population. In addition, our Board Member preached at four churches and both he and his wife spent days visiting two hospitals in Uzhgorod, Ukraine, to speak with wounded soldiers and pray for their healing. The report describes multiple instance in which recipients of prayer were relieved of their pain and several instances of healing, including the recovery of hearing. Over 30 people became new believers in Jesus as a result of this ministry.

Interview with Pastor Oksana Yakubchik, Kyiv, Ukraine This is a link to an interview held in Kyiv, Ukraine, with Oksana Yakubchik. Oksana is a church pastor, military chaplain, and co-founder of the International Christian Humanitarian Center, located in Kyiv. In this interview she describes the bi-weekly convoys sent by the Center to the combat and near combat areas of Eastern Ukraine. The convoys bring food, water, medicine, and the gospel to civilians trapped in these areas. In some instances, they are called upon to evacuate civilians on their return trips. Oksana describes several instances where divine intervention saved their team and those they were evacuating from death or serious injury.

Zimbabwe Outreach Summer of 2022

This is a report prepared by Todd Martin describing the trip he took ,as part of a large team, to Zimbabwe in the Summer of 2022. Over 15 tons of food was distributed to multiple schools in the Gwayi River area of Zimbabwe. The report includes numerous photos.

Illustrated Progress Reports from Milton Babu, India

Over the period March 2023-July 2, 2023, Milton Babu, provided CGMUSA with a series of progress reports describing the gospel outreach and Christian education efforts in Eastern India, being funded by CGMUSA. The big news is that the number of pastors engaged in full time work has doubled, from two to four, over this period. This resulted in Vacation Bible Schools being started in multiple communities, including a leper colony. Through these works hundreds of children have heard the good news of Jesus for the first time. Their interest in Jesus has gained the attention of a number of parents. As a result, pastors have been invited into their homes to share the gospel, resulting in many conversions and new Christians.